Protecting Your Staff by Adhering to Hazardous Biological Agent Regulations

Many of South Africa’s most important sectors deal with hazardous biological agents on a daily basis. Their staff is exposed to these agents and it is the responsibility of the employer and the government, to provide a safe workplace for these employees. The South African government has comprehensive hazardous biological agents regulations that when adhered to, will go a long way towards providing safe work environments for employees.

Hazardous biological agents, as defined under the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents Act of 1993 encompass any cell culture, microorganism or human endoparasite. These also include any genetically modified cell cultures that may cause infection, toxicity or allergy, or otherwise create a hazard to human health.

Which Industries are at Risk of Hazardous Biological Agents Exposure?

It is important to realise that even though all work areas are at risk of exposing employees to hazardous biological agents, there are some areas that are at an obvious higher risk than others. Some of the industries that are at greater risk include:

• Farming and veterinary hospitals and clinics;
• Food preparation areas and food processing industries;
• Pharmaceutical companies and laboratories;
• Sewage treatment plants;
• Medical research;
• Abattoirs; and
• Hospitals, to name a few.

When operating any business, you need to provide a safe and healthy working environment for your employees. The sheer nature of the business that you operate in, may present various dangers and threats to your employees that need to be mitigated. At IOH Solutions, we make the task of incorporating such a plan far easier on our clients, than you may expect.

Our company has many different professional systems and processes that we can effectively implement for your business, which can help to turn your business around and make hazardous biological agents regulations compliance challenges far easier to overcome. With regards to occupational health and safety, you have to ensure that you are always able to adhere to industry imposed regulations and laws, and this is where our team can help you.

If you are looking for a functional and practical health and safety plan in your business, to ensure hazardous biological agents regulations compliance, consider our various services. We offer to assist our valued clients professionally with any of the following:

• Health risk assessments;
• Hazardous chemical substances;
• Noise monitoring;
• Chemical compatibility;
• Thermal stress testing;
• Indoor air quality testing; and
• Hazardous biological sampling, to name a few.

Our team of industry professionals is dedicated to providing our valued clients with the best services available on the market today. We will work with your business to offer you the services and solutions that you demand. Our dedication to excellence and to offering our clients the best solutions and value for their money has helped IOH Solutions to remain at the top of our game for many years.

There are many hazardous biological agents regulations that need to be taken into account, when formulating a safety plan for your business. Contact IOH Solutions, to learn more about our services and offerings.