Thermal Stress

Thermal Stress

No employee shall work in conditions that are too cold or too hot this may cause discomfort and eventually physical problems. Surveys are conducted to ensure compliance with these requirements.

According to legislation governed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993, no employer shall require or permit an employee to work in an environment that is too cold or too hot according to time-weighted standards. This regulation is applicable to all industries where hot work is performed such as foundries, bakeries, underground mines, boiler rooms as well as industries where outdoor work is performed such as scrap yards, construction sites and railway service yards.

Cold work legislation is applicable to employees working outdoors during winter (especially during evenings) as well as areas where refrigeration is used. Thermal stress measurements should be taken during specific periods of the year: December – February and June – August for heat and cold stress respectively.

Compliance Requirements:
Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993

Sampling Methodology:
TWA WBGT index – ISO 7243 Estimation of the Heat Stress on Working Man, based on the WBGT-index

Legal References:
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act no 85 of 1993
Environmental Regulations for Work Places
TWA WBGT index – ISO 7243 Estimation of the Heat Stress on Working Man, based on the WBGT-index