Ambient Air Quality Baseline Assessment

A process of evaluating the status of air quality in a specific area before any new projects or developments are implemented. This assessment helps to establish a benchmark for measuring changes in air quality over time and determine potential impacts of proposed activities on the environment.
The assessment typically involves monitoring various pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals in the air. Data collected from these monitoring efforts are analysed to determine the existing levels of pollution and identify sources contributing to poor air quality.
In addition to pollutant monitoring, ambient air quality baseline assessment may also involve assessing meteorological conditions, topography, land use patterns, and other factors that can influence air quality. This comprehensive evaluation provides valuable information for decision-makers to develop strategies for improving air quality and protecting public health.
Overall, conducting an ambient air quality baseline assessment is crucial for understanding the current state of air quality in each area and guiding future environmental management efforts. It serves as a foundation for implementing effective pollution control measures and ensuring sustainable development practices.