Environmental Dust Fall Out

The goal of Environmental Dust Fall Out is to evaluate relative source contribution estimates of various routes of dust fallout in the environment. The objectives are: To measure and characterize dust fallout at identified sources to analyse statistically, the relationship between dust fall measurements of source-routes and residential receptors and to carryout apportionment of dust fall at  residential-receptors, taking identified atmospheric routes as possible sources using Chemical mass balance Model

 Dust fall monitoring is an aspect of air quality management, which entails the measurement of dust deposition in the ambient air particularly as a result of mining or industrial activity which may adversely influence the surrounding residential environment and inhabitants.

The American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM D1739, 2005) is the current framework being utilised for this purpose (ASTM D1739, 1998). The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has proposed the Draft National Dust Control Regulations (Government Gazette, 2011) for the control of dust in all areas, including; residential and light commercial`

Draft National Dust Control Regulations under s.32 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004