Our Mission is to be a leading Occupational Hygiene firm in South Africa, providing the highest standard for risk-based consulting in Occupational Hygiene with a focus on all physical-, chemical-, biological- and ergonomic stressors. For example: exposure assessment, exposure control, indoor air quality, all physical all chemistry, toxicology, management solutions, and forensic research. Innovative Occupational Hygiene Solutions for the best occupational hygiene solutions.
Further to this is to offer affordable occupational hygiene solutions to all industries big or small and thereby offer a change in culture of industry and mining to one of compliance and awareness.
Our Service Delivery Standard – Client Testimonials :
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IOH Solutions also aims to become a leader the industry by identifying gaps in the market and personalizing our services to ensure that each client is treated as a priority and receives services that suit the needs of their work environment.
Through guidance and mediation we also aim to bridge the gap between legislation and action by empowering em
ployers with the knowledge and tools necessary to make their workplaces safer and health risk free as well as empower employees to identify the risks in their workplaces and play the necessary roles to assist in making South Africa’s working environments safer and risk free